Current Promotions*
We are confident that you will be 100% satisfied with the service provided to you by J&E Tax Financial Services.
Early Bird Booking*
Book your appointment in the first week of February to have your taxes prepared before the first week of April and receive a 15% discount on your tax return. *You must mention this promotion when booking your appointment. This is only valid for new customers.
Tell a Friend*
For every person you refer to us, we will give you a credit of $15. Please make sure that your friends and family mention your name. The total amount of credit will be applied to your tax preparation fee the following year. *This is valid for the referral of new customers only.
Student Discount*
Please present your valid school ID when preparing your taxes to receive a 25% discount on your tax return preparation. *If you are in school and are under the age of 25.
*Terms & Conditions: Only one promotion per client per year. Some exclusions may apply.